
- Books

Computer Security / Privacy

~ Anything Published By - No Starch Press
~ Extreme Privacy - Michael Bazzel
~ Open Source Intelligence Techniques - Michael Bazzel


~ Anything Published By - No Starch Press

Physical Security

~ Keys to the Kingdom - Deviant Ollam
~ Practical Lock Picking - Deviant Ollam
~ Tactical Lock Picking: A Systemized Approach for Responding to Locked Obstacles During Emergencies - Pat Watson
~ The Gift of Fear - Gavin De Becker


~ 12 Rules for Life - Jordan Peterson
~ 12 More Rules for Life - Jordan Peterson
~ Extreme Ownership - Jocko Willink


~ Atomic Habits - James Clear
~ Call Sign Chaos - Jim Mattis and Bing West
~ Developing the Leader Within You 2.0 - John C. Maxwell
~ The 4-Hour Work Week - Timothy Ferriss
~ The Heart of Leadership - Mark Miller

- Competitions/Challenges

~ HackTheBox
~ OverTheWire
~ TryHackMe
[and a helpful guide for free accounts]

- Courses———————————————————


~ Antisyphon Training - BHIS paid trainings
~ TCM Security Academy
~ TCM PNPT Certification
~ Open Source Intelligence Professional

Physical Security

~ Ed's Manifesto - variety of topics covered
~ SEREPICK - cover entry
~ Tactical Lock Picking 101 - Uncensored Tactical online training
~ Uncensored Tactical

- Podcasts———————————————————


~ 2.5 Admins - general IT
~ Black Hills Information Security - respository of IT/computer Information security knowledge
~ Darknet Diaries - IT lore
~ Privacy, Security, & OSINT Show - what the title says :D
~ Self Hosted - home automation/self hosting IT

Physical Security

~ Red Team Podcast
~ Uncensored Tactical

General Information

~ Huberman Lab - health information
~ Joe Rogan Experience - general conversations
~ Jocko Podcast - leadership and personal development
~ The Jordan Harbinger Show - former IT professional turned podcaster
~ The Shawn Ryan Show - world events/interviews

- Websites [Blogs, News, YouTube Channels, etc.]


~ Black Hills Information Security
~ Ed's Manifesto
~ Red Team Podcast
~ TheSecurityAtlas
~ TryHackMe


~ Bleeping Computer
~ Dark Reading
~ Krebs on Security
~ Schneier on Security

YouTube Channels

~ Black Hills Information Security
~ Deviant Ollam
~ IPPSec - I'd suggest doing a box first; take diligent notes [especially on sticking points, or on questions that arise]; then watch IPPSec's video with the goal of identifying answers to your questions/sticking points and gathering new TTPs
~ The Cyber Mentor